A deadly stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, claimed the lives of nearly 40 people in the early hours of Wednesday. The disaster unfolded as tens of millions of Hindu devotees gathered to take a holy dip at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers on what is considered the most auspicious day of the six-week-long festival.
According to local officials and eyewitnesses, the tragedy struck when an overwhelming surge of worshippers rushed towards the sacred waters, causing a chaotic stampede. The scene turned into devastation as people fell over each other, unable to escape the crushing crowd. Some attributed the disaster to barricades set up for crowd control, while others blamed mismanagement by authorities.
At the Moti Lal Nehru Medical College hospital, Reuters counted 39 bodies in the morgue, with more still arriving. Senior police officials confirmed that at least 90 people had been rushed to hospitals following the incident, of whom 30 were declared dead on arrival. Many of the injured suffered fractures and broken bones, while others collapsed due to suffocation or heart failure.
Heartbroken families flooded hospitals, searching for their loved ones. Jagwanti Devi, a survivor, described the horrifying scene, recounting how her mother and sister-in-law were trampled in the chaos. Another devotee, Saroja, who lost four family members, accused police of failing to make adequate safety arrangements.
Authorities defended their response, claiming that swift action by police prevented further casualties. However, opposition leaders criticized the handling of the event, pointing to VIP culture and mismanagement as key reasons for the tragedy. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi called for stricter measures to ensure the safety of ordinary devotees.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his condolences to the grieving families, while Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath attributed the stampede to devotees jumping barricades. Meanwhile, rescue teams and medical personnel continued to work at the scene, treating the injured and restoring order.
This year’s Maha Kumbh Mela, expected to attract over 400 million visitors, has seen an unprecedented surge in crowds. By Tuesday alone, nearly 200 million people had attended, with over 57 million taking the sacred dip on Wednesday. Despite AI-based crowd management technology and the deployment of security forces, the measures proved inadequate against the sheer volume of attendees.
The catastrophe echoes a similar tragedy in 2013, when a stampede on the festival’s most auspicious day claimed 36 lives. With the festival still ongoing, authorities now face intense scrutiny over safety protocols, while grieving families demand accountability.